
Screens of Matter is a cinema development project, specialising in screening science fiction films. The long-term aim of the company is to secure a permanent premises in Bristol (UK), to build on venue capacity in the city. The project also aims to attract and support neurodiverse audiences by testing ideas to create more inclusive cinema environments. 

In 2022 we led a workshop at BristolCon and captured some fantastic ideas from a group of sci-fi fans (photo robotted for their privacy).

This stemmed from our desire to create a space that could create conversations about film and host events to bring more people into the collective experience of film screenings. Especially those who might experience social anxiety. 

What could a genre-led space look like?

Out of this world but ready to board. We’re aiming to open an accessible, 100 seat space in central Bristol close to transport links. 

Image credit: Luke O’Donovan.                 Image credit: The Social Crew. 

Image credit Screens of Matter’s Emmeline Rodman 

Why not just do pop up events?

We believe, like all cultural venues, film screening spaces deserve permanent homes. In Bristol we’re lucky to have some excellent venues and film festivals, we want to add to this community with a genre-led space. See our research page to read a new report released in 2023 about the econmonic value of UK cinemas. 

In 2023 we explored potential spaces in the city and started a dialogue with Lotto Community Fund to create a venue development budget. Thank you to Sparks Bristol who helped us to think about how cinema could be housed in a former shopping centre. In 2022 and 2024 we secured funding from Film Hub South West to run two events. These have and will enable us to gather audience audience, to support a venue space funding bid. 

Image of potential space in the former Marks and Spencer in Broadmead, Bristol. 

This seating mock up was kindly designed by Evertaut ltd, to help us cost building a 100+ seat accessible venue. This includes a projection room and storage. 

What’s next?

In 2024, we aim to use the audience data we’ve collected from our first two screening events, to prove that there’s community interest to then apply for enough funding to trial opening a small space. It may take form as a shipping container or in an empty shop. 

Our 2024 team

Founder/Producer/mothership | Emmeline Rodman @emmrodman
Emmeline is a Bristol based producer who currently works in the charity and education sectors. She is an experienced events manager and lectures in events management and print design. She is proudly neurodiverse, diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia. Science fiction films provide her with a place of solace and she’s always looking to grow her clan/hive mind. 

Programme advisor for 2022 & 2024 | Owen Van Spall
Owen is a London based film programmer for a major arts venue. He has worked in a variety of cinemas for nearly a decade, from pop-up events to community projects across the UK. He is a film history postgraduate and has also worked in the comic book publishing industry.  

Marketing lead for 2024 | Sal Creber
Sal is a Bath based freelancer and film studies graduate. Their human job is in retail, but more importantly they are also taking part in the Beyond Boundaries programme. They are enthusiastically autistic and transgender, with a lifelong love of sci-fi and horror films, and what they represent to the neurodiverse and LGBT+ community.

What have we done do far?

Our 2022 launch event was a double bill film screening exploring the beloved comic book character Judge Dredd.

If you'd like to support this project and get involved with Screens of Matter, please contact us at hello@screensofmatter.space. In 2024 we'll be forming a film programming steering group and much more. Stay in our gravitational pull of information by signing up to our mailing list and follow us on social media.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us, so far with funding, time and resources:

Film Hub South West team, Bristol Aquarium team, 20th Century Flicks team, Bimm Bristol (students), Bristol Con. 

Screens of Matter's landing page website artwork was created by galactic artist Luke Oram

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